Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Benefits of Using Drones for RTK Surveys and Other Purposes

Drones are modern-day's technological advancement that helps in various fields. Many companies are available to provide professional drone services for multiple purposes. The companies like Drone Services Ireland provide high-quality modern tech drones for different works. The tech gadgets available in these drones will complete the job with more perfection and reduce the cost of the work.

People choosing the Drone RTK Survey Ireland will get better results than the actual survey process. Similarly, using various technologies, the drone camera's new look will provide accurate survey measures. Many corporate companies hire these drones to complete their survey process without entering the field. Similarly, these products will help people in multiple ways also.

Inspections through drones

People can use these drone services in various locations where they need to risk their lives to get data on previous methods. Bridge inspection is one of the risky jobs that many people do for a living; they need to inspect the bridges by risking their lives. Now, people can use Drone Bridge Inspection in Ireland to get better results than the previous methods with more safety.


Using drones is the best option in many works, and many companies are available for people to get these services. Choosing these drone services will help people get better results in their work and reduce the cost of those work. Due to the compact designs of these drones, people can use them in all kinds of locations without any issues. Similarly, they can work in all types of environments.

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Drone Solutions in Disaster Risk Management

Surveying in a vulnerable location might be difficult at that time due to the employment of drones. From terrain to hilly and flat areas, everything comes under the umbrella of a Drone Aerial Survey in Ireland.

Disasters are becoming more frequent as a result of human interference with nature. As a result, we become prey to landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, and many others.

The question is, is it possible to impede such natural challenges in a proactive way? Its answer is the implementation of drone technology. How do quadcopters and UAVs do this? Its response in the article.

Remote Situation Assessment

Drone variants like quadcopters and unmanned aerial vehicles consist of high-resolution cameras and sensors. These components are useful for tracking and surveying disaster zones and areas.

The flying machines are capable of assessing remote locations with pinpoint accuracy in order to gather all information about the ground situation from an aerial location. These enticing footages and 3D scales aid in conveying a quick point and prompting immediate action.

Mapping Locations

This crewless machine is known for its mind-blowing features of inspection and surveillance. From Drone Bridge Inspection in Ireland to ground reporting, it is capable of serving everything with plain clarity and quickly.

With the support of drone technology like a quad copter, the operator gathers data and information, including GPS coordinates, tracking information, and aerial imagery of landslides, tsunamis, floods, and forest fires.

Shipping Emergency Supplies

Quad copters and drones are the most efficient tools to carry different requirements from one site to another. They deliver emergency supplies, consisting of first aid, small tools such as ropes and flashlights, and fast-acting medicines. Even so, they are efficient at transferring food supplies and energy into vulnerable spaces.

Extinguishing Fires

Drone technology enables fire-extinguishing professionals to blow out fire-like events, including forest fires or fires caused by accidents to mankind, fauna, and flora, in a timely manner. Besides, it is supplemental in stopping the spread of fire by spraying water.

Thursday, 19 January 2023

GCP, RTK, and PPK: Which One is the Better Surveying Technique

Accuracy has become a new parameter to judge something. We can say that it is an ordinary term in the field of inspection, checking, and surveying.

Sometimes, we become confused about acronyms and concepts due to various methods having the same purposes for instance GCP, RTK and PPK.

These terms are used in aerial mapping or surveying. If you are aware of these words or not, we as a Drone Consultancy in Ireland will give you in-depth knowledge about their differences and help you figure out which one is right.

 Ground Control Point (GCP)

GCP is an aerial method to conduct an assessment of particular geopolitical locations using variously marked or reference ground points.

The creation of marked points is very convenient since surveyors walk with a global positioning system and cover thousands of miles to set points.

This aerial inspection creates a grid surface that aids in estimating stockpile volumes, tracks cut or fill, and tracks progress during earthen works, which can take as little as 20 minutes. 

Real-Time Kinematics (RTK)

RTK is a preferred technology for the real-time correction of localized data obtained from a geostationary satellite.

The RTK system works with a single reference station or continuously operated reference station network. Using real-time kinematics, you can get the positional data of a drone but not a specific point on the ground.

That is why a Drone RTK Survey in Ireland with GCP is a better option, as both provide precise positional data from ground points and a drone.

Post-Processed Kinematics

It is another way to correct retagged, located data after the drone captures images and they are then post-processed.

Which One Inspection Method Suits Your Business?

The ground control point is an excellent choice for surveying a small area or ground with high accuracy in a short period of time.

RTK is the best surveying technique using a drone for inspection of a vast open ground or field that does not have trees, buildings, or crowds.

PPK comes as a solution where RTK fails to show results. It indicates that PPK does precise aerial surveys in a crowded ecosystem, like a city center.

Select one of the drone surveying techniques that meets your expectations.